Morrinsville Residents

1852 to 1912

  • These files were started on 30 September 1990 and updated since then as names and references became available. If you have any family members that you wish to add to the list please send us a message through our contact form.
  • Names are listed according to the earliest written record or family information obtained. Not all arrival dates are accurate – in one occasion there were 20 years between the first written record and the actual arrival to Morrinsville.
  • Departure date is either the date of death or the date recorded as leaving the district.
  • Names marked with (*) indicate that the museum holds further information or photographs of this person.
Jackson Jack*
MorrinsvilleCarpenterS - P/642 1912
James Adela Georgina
Murrays, PiakoMarriedSup E.R. Oct. 1908
James ArthurMorrinsvilleStable HandE.R. Nov. 1908
James William ArthurAnnandale, PiakoLabourerE.R. 1893
James William HenryMorrinsvilleCarpenterE.R. Nov. 1902
Jamieson Fanny ElizabethMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesE.R. Nov. 1899
Jeans GeorgeKereone, MorrinsvillePloughmanE.R. Nov. 1908
Jenkins ThomasMotumaohoFarmerL.T.R. 1883 pp315
Johnson Walter PeterWaitoaLabourerE.R. Nov. 1899
Johnson Walter RobertWaihouPiako County ForemanE.R. Nov. 1908
Johnston Fanny KathleenKiwitahiCookE.R. Nov. 1899
Johnston SamuelMorrinsvilleContractorE.R. Nov. 1902
Johnstone JohnWaltonFarmerSup E.R. Oct. 1908
Jones Beatrice MayMorrinsvillleSpinsterSup E.R. Oct. 1908
Jones Emily AnnMorrinsvillleMarriedSup E.R. Oct. 1908
Jones Ernest GeorgeMorrinsvillleWheelwrightE.R. Nov. 1908
Jones JamesMorrinsvillleFarmerSup Oct. 1908  E.R
Jones JohnWaitoaSettlerE.R. Nov. 1899
Jones Renera JessieMorrinsvilleDomestic DutiesSup E.R. Oct. 1908
Jordon Ernest Williamc/- HJ Clifford, MorrinsvilleFarm HandSup E.R. Oct. 1908

Morrinsville Museum

41 Canada Street, Morrinsville (opposite the Public Library)
P. 07 889 4190

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Friday from 11.00am to 4.00pm
  • First Saturday of the month open for Morrinsville Market Day from 9.00am to 1.00pm
  • Sunday from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

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