Need Morrinsville Museum to help you with your research?
Sometimes the answer to your query can be found very quickly. Other times there is a good deal of time to be spent to find the answer to a request. We use our museum database to find answers, information from files of material donated by residents or relations, a microfiche search, a microfilm search, or a search in Papers Past. Our research charges will vary according to the amount of time spent in finding the answer.
The first half hour is free and thereafter $12.00 per hour. We will send you an email once we have done the first half-hour research.

Fill in our research form below to contact Morrinsville Museum
Want a copy of a photograph?
Our large collection of more than 5000 photographs include people, places and events related to Morrinsville.
If you wish to research a photograph please complete the following form.
We rely on people donating photographs for our collection so please be aware that our collections is relatively large we may not have a photograph you want.

Fill in our research form below to contact Morrinsville Museum
Morrinsville Museum
41 Canada Street, Morrinsville (opposite the Public Library)
P. 07 889 4190
Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday from 11.00am to 4.00pm
- First Saturday of the month open for Morrinsville Market Day from 9.00am to 1.00pm
- Sunday from 11.00am to 3.00pm.